User accounts and File Shares
When you create a new user on the Zynstra server (using the User Control Console), the following is created.
- User Account in Active Directory
- Shared Folder on the File server
- Shared Folder Active Directory object
- A group with Read Only access to the Shared Drive (naming convention is: share_username_r)
- A group with Write access t the shared drive (naming convention is share_username_w)
The user is added to the Read and Write groups by default, which gives them Read and Write access to their shared folder.
If you wish to give another user or group Read or Write access to a users Shared folder, you need to add them to the Read Only or Write access in Active Directory.
To do this, open up Active Directory Users and Computers on the domain, and navigate to the OU: HAP > public > Cluster ID (eg 0000-0123) > user.
Here you will find Organisational units for each user. Within each users OU, you will find the Shared Folder Active Directory Object, and also the two groups - one for Read access (share_username_r) and one for Write access (share_username_w)
To give another user Read access to a users Shared folder, add them to the group share_username_r. To give another user write access to a users shared folder, add them to the group share_username_w.