To connect to the Cloud Management Platform yusing VPN from a Linux computer, you need to follow these steps:
- Install an OpenVPN client for Linux.
- Download your VPN client config file (called "client.ovpn").
- Run the OpenVPN client with the downloaded client config file.
To install an OpenVPN client, the easiest way is usually to install an OpenVPN client using the package management system for your particular Linux distribution. Run one of the following commands (as root):
Fedora/CentOS/RedHat: "yum install openvpn". You should note that OpenVPN Access Server is not compatible with any version below the 2.1 OpenVPN Community/Linux client.
Ubuntu/Debian: "apt-get install openvpn".
Once the openvpn package has been fetched from the Internet and installed, run the client with the --version argument to make sure that it is version 2.1:
You now need to download the VPN client configuration file:
Step 1: Go here:
Step 2: Enter your Management account credentials and select the option from the pull down menu to Login.
Step 3: Download the Connection profile by clicking on the link: Yourself (user-locked profile).
Step 4: Run the OpenVPN client. The easiest way to run the OpenVPN client is usually to use the --configargument to specify the location of the downloaded client config file: