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VPN - How to install the End User OpenVPN client on a Windows PC

This how to will help guide you through the installation process of the Desktop Client for the End User OpenVPN client.

You can download the latest Open VPN installer from here:

Note: you must have local admin rights to both install and run OpenVPN if using version 2.3.x or older; for 2.4 and newer (recommended), local admin rights are only needed for installation. See here for more information.

Step 1:

Launch the msi installer for the client and click next:

OpenVPN Client Install

Step 2:

Read and accept the License and click next:

OpenVPN Client Install

Step 3:

Choose the location to install the program files for the Desktop Client and click Next:


OpenVPN Client Install

Step 4:

You are now ready to install the Desktop Client, click Install to proceed:

OpenVPN Client Install

Step 5:

Please wait while the Desktop Client Installs:

OpenVPN Client Install


OpenVPN Client Install


OpenVPN Client Install

Step 6:

You may see a warning asking you to install the Desktop Clients TAP Adapter, check the box that says "Always trust software from "OpenVPN Technologies, Inc." and click Install:

OpenVPN Client Install

Step 7:

The Desktop Client is now installed, click Finish to complete the installation:

OpenVPN Client Install

Step 8:

Note: this step is only needed if you are using OpenVPN client 2.3.x or older. If you are using version 2.4 or newer (highly recommended), then please skip this step.

The OpenVPN client needs to be run with elevated privileges so it can update the route table - otherwise, connections will appear successful, but there will be no connectivity to any remote resources. To ensure this, locate the shortcut you are using to launch the OpenVPN client, right-click Properties, and go to the Compatibility tab. Ensure that there is a tick next to "Run this program as an administrator".

Step 9:

Once the client has been installed, you then need to extract the file (generated by Untangle/Gateway Control Console), to the following location:

C:\Program Files\OpenVPN\config


Now see this article on how to connect via VPN.

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