Support Portal

How to obtain and use a Management account

The credentials for your Management account should have been sent to you by the Support Team soon after you received the welcome email in relation to your server order.  If you do not believe you received this but are entitled to such an account, please contact the Support Team.

Each Management account corresponds to an Active Directory user account in the Active Directory that resides in our Cloud Management Platform. The domain name for this is ZCP. Each account has admin rights to all Virtual Machines on all servers under the control of that Service Provider through a one-way domain trust to the customer Active Directory running on each server.

These accounts are privileged accounts and, as such, the credentials used to access them should not be shared.

If you have forgotten your password, please contact the Support Team and we will arrange to issue a new password to you.  If you know your password and want to change it, simply log in to a Windows Virtual Machine using RDP and change the password in the standard way. Note that when using RDP, the keystroke combination is CTRL + ALT + END.

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